Heal Your Neck, Shoulders & Spine

Now more than ever, modern technology offers countless benefits, but the fact remains: many of us are spending hours sitting in front of our computer or hunched over our mobile phone and tablet. The repetitive movement patterns associated with using these digital devices can wreak havoc on neck and shoulder happiness. Surprisingly, one reason so many of us suffer from chronic neck tension is because our neck muscles are weak! Stretching and massages, while relaxing, don't address the underlying causes of the discomfort.

This workshop series includes three 45min practices that will help you learn and move in ways that realign your posture, help release tension, and promote more functional, strengthening movement patterns.

Part 1: Neck Practice

Part 2: Shoulder Practice

Part 3: Upper Back Practice


Compassionate Resilience:
A yoga practice & tool kit for unpredictable and trying times

This two-hour workshop with Sara and Arielle Friedman (LCSW), explores how to cultivate compassionate resilience through yoga and mindfulness practices. Learn how to bring presence, balance, wisdom, and love, to any circumstance we face, especially those that are most challenging so that we can feel a deeper sense of peace, gratitude, personal growth, and connection with others. Enjoy a powerful 1-hour heart and back body opening yoga practice followed by a 45-minute mind-mapping exercise. We will end with meditation and pranayama to seal the practice.


Rest and Reset Workshop

Please join me for a 1.5-hour practice to help RESET all the areas in our body (neck, shoulders, spine, and hips) that are feeling the wear and tear this time. We will deep dive into a dynamic practice focused on resetting these high tension/stress zones through mobility and strengthening work, which will create better embodiment habits that will support us to live at our best. We will finish our practice with REST, integrating and recharging our bodies on a deep cellular level through breath work and a deeply nurturing restorative practice. This practice will leave you feeling grounded, and more at peace in your body, mind, and spirit as we bring harmony to all the layers of our being.

You will Need:

2 blocks, 2 pillows (small size), yoga strap or belt, blanket and bolster!